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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS);faqs.145
FROBS -- cs.utah.edu:/pub/frobs.tar.Z
Contact: Robert Kessler <kessler@cs.utah.edu>
PFC -- linc.cis.upenn.edu:
YAK -- Contact: Enrico Franconi <franconi@irst.it>
Fuzzy Logic:
FLIE -- ural.ethz.ch:/robo/flie
Contact: vestli@ifr.ethz.ch
Fuzzy Logic Inference Engine, Institute of Robotics, ETH.
Game Playing:
METAGAME is a game-playing workbench for developing and playing
metagame programs. It includes a generator for symmetric chess-like
games; definitions of chess, checkers, chinese chess, shogi, lose
chess, lose checkers, french checkers, and tic tac toe translated into
symmetric chess-like games; a legal move generator; and a variety of
player programs, from simple through sophisticated. The METAGAME
Workbench runs in Quintus or Sictus Prolog. Available by anonymous
ftp from ftp.cl.cam.ac.uk [] in users/bdp/metagame.tar.Z.
For more information, contact Barney Pell <bdp@cl.cam.ac.uk> of the
University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory.
Japan's Institute for New Generation Computer Technology (ICOT) has
made their software available to the public free of charge. The
collection includes a variety of prolog-based programs in symbol
processing, knowledge representation, reasoning and problem solving,
natural language processing. All programs are available by anonymous
ftp from ftp.icot.or.jp. Note that most of the programs are written
for the PSI machines, and very few have been ported to Unix-based
emulators. For further information, send email to ifs@icot.or.jp, or
write to ICOT Free Software Desk, Institute for New Generation
Computer Technology, 21st Floor, Mita Kokusai Bldg., 4-28, Mita
1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108, Japan, fax +81-3-4456-1618.
Knowledge Representation:
KNOWBEL -- ai.toronto.edu:/pub/kr/{knowbel.tar.Z,manual.txt.tar.Z}
Contact: Bryan M. Kramer, <kramer@ai.toronto.edu>
Telos temporal/sorted logic system.
SB-ONE -- Contact: kobsa@cs.uni-sb.de
KL-ONE family
KRIS -- Contact: baader@dfki.uni-kl.de
KL-ONE family (Symbolics only)
BACK -- Contact: peltason@tubvm.cs.tu-berlin.de
KL-ONE family
CLASSIC -- Contact: dlm@research.att.com
KL-ONE family
MOTEL -- Contact: hustadt@mpi-sb.mpg.de
Modal KL-ONE (contains KRIS as a kernel).
Implemented in Prolog.
FOL GETFOL -- Contact: fausto@irst.it
Weyrauch's FOL system
SNePS -- Contact: shapiro@cs.buffalo.edu
Semantic Nets
COLAB/RELFUN -- Contact: boley@informatik.uni-kl.de
Logic Programming
COLAB/FORWARD -- Contact: hinkelma@dfki.uni-kl.de
Logic Programming
COLAB/CONTAX -- Contact: meyer@dfki.uni-kl.de
Constraint System for Weighted Constraints over
Hierarchically Structured Finite Domains.
COLAB/TAXON -- Contact: hanschke@dfki.uni-kl.de
Terminological Knowl. Rep. w/Concrete Domains
Machine Learning:
COBWEB/3 -- Contact: cobweb@ptolemy.arc.nasa.gov
FOIL -- cluster.cs.su.oz.au []
~ftp/pub/foil4.sh contains source, a brief manual,
and several sample datasets.
Medical Reasoning:
TMYCIN -- sumex-aix.stanford.edu:/tmycin
Natural Language Processing:
YACC -- ftp.cs.cmu.edu:
Contact: Mark Johnson <mj@cs.brown.edu>
Lisp YACC/Parser.
BABBLER -- Contact: rsf1@ra.msstate.edu
Markov chains/NLP
PENMAN -- Contact: hovy@isi.edu
Natural Language Generation.
PC-KIMMO -- msdos.archive.umich.edu:/msdos/linguistics/pckim105.zip
An implementation of KIMMO morphological analyzer
for the IBM PC.
The Link Parser is a highly efficient English parser written by Danny
Sleator and Davy Temperley. It uses a novel grammatical formalism known
as Link Grammar to represent a robust and diverse collection of
English-language phenomena. The system is available by anonymous ftp from
spade.pc.cs.cmu.edu in the directory /usr/sleator/public/. Read the
README file for more information.
Neural Networks:
Aspirin/MIGRAINES is a neural network simulator available free from the
MITRE Corporation. It contains a neural network simulation code generator
which generates high performance C code implementations for
backpropagation networks. It runs on the following platforms: Apollo,
Convex, Cray, DecStation, HP, IBM RS/6000, Intel 486/386 (Unix System V),
NeXT, News, Silicon Graphics Iris, Sun3, Sun4, Mercury i860 (40MHz)
Coprocessors, Meiko Computing Surface w/i860 (40MHz) Nodes, Skystation
i860 (40MHz) Coprocessors, and iWarp Cells. The software is available by
anonymous ftp from the CMU simulator collection on pt.cs.cmu.edu
( in the directory /afs/cs/project/connect/code (you must
cd to this directory in one atomic operation) and UCLA's cognitive
science collection on ftp.cognet.ucla.edu ( in the
directory alexis as the file am6.tar.Z. For more information, contact
Russell Leighton <leighton@mitre.org>.
MUME (Multi-Module Neural Computing Environment) is a simulation
environment for multi-modules neural computing. It provides an object
oriented facility for the simulation and training of multiple nets
with various architectures and learning algorithms. The object
oriented structure makes simple the addition of new network classes
and new learning algorithms. _ MUME includes a library of network
architectures including feedforward, simple recurrent, and
continuously running recurrent neural networks. Each architecture is
supported by a variety of learning algorithms, including backprop,
weight perturbation, node perturbation, and simulated annealing. MUME
can be used for large scale neural network simulations as it provides
support for learning in multi-net environments. It also provide pre-
and post-processing facilities. MUME can be used to include
non-neural computing modules (decision trees, etc.) in applications. _
MUME is being developed at the Machine Intelligence Group at Sydney
University Electrical Engineering. The software is written in 'C' and
is being used on Sun and DEC workstations. Efforts are underway to
port it to the Fujitsu VP2200 vector processor using the VCC
vectorising C compiler. MUME is available to research institutions on
a media/doc/postage cost arrangement. For further information, write
to Marwan Jabri, SEDAL, Sydney University Electrical Engineering, NSW
2006 Australia, call +61-2-692-2240, fax +61-2-660-1228, or send email
to marwan@sedal.su.oz.au.
Adaptive Logic Network (ALN)
Available by anonymous ftp from menaik.cs.ualberta.ca (
in pub/atree2.tar.Z. pub/atree2.zip is the MS-Windows/IBM PC version.
Documentation is in pub/atree2.ps.Z.
Neural network simulator. Other files of interest. Executables are
free; source code for a small fee.
A neural network definition language.
A neural network simulator from Drew van Camp at the University
of Toronto. It provides a library of routines for building networks
and graphically displaying them. Written in C and uses the X window
system for graphics. Example simulators include Back Propagation,
Recurrent Back Propagation, Boltzmann Machine, Mean Field Theory, Free
Energy Manipulation, Kohonnen Net, and Hard and Soft Competitive
Learning. Xerion runs on SGI Personal Iris, SGI 4d, Sun3 (SunOS), Sun4
(SunOS). Available by anonymous ftp from ai.toronto.edu:/pub/xerion.
See the file /pub/xerion.README for more information. To be added to
the mailing list, send mail to xerion-request@ai.toronto.edu. Bugs
should be reported to xerion-bugs@ai.toronto.edu. Complaints,
suggestions or comments may be sent to xerion@ai.toronto.edu.
Probabilistic Reasoning:
BELIEF -- ftp.stat.washington.edu (
Contact: Russell Almond <almond@stat.washington.edu>
IDEAL -- Contact: srinivas@rpal.rockwell.com
Bayesian networks
NONLIN -- cs.umd.edu:/pub/nonlin (
Contact: nonlin-users-request@cs.umd.edu
ABTWEAK -- csis.dit.csiro.au:pub/steve
Contact: Steven.Woods@csis.dit.csiro.au
RHETORICAL -- cs.rochester.edu:/pub/knowledge-tools
Contact: Brad Miller <miller@cs.rochester.edu>
SNLP -- cs.washington.edu:/pub/snlp.tar.Z
Contact: weld@cs.washington.edu
Nonlinear planner.
IDM -- sauquoit.gsfc.nasa.gov (
Contact: idm-users@chelmsford.gsfc.nasa.gov
STRIPS-like planning.
PRODIGY -- Contact: prodigy@cs.cmu.edu
Integrated Planning and Learning System
SOAR -- ftp.cs.cmu.edu:/afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/soar/5.2/2/public/
Contact: soar-request@cs.cmu.edu
Integrated Agent Architecture
MATS -- Contact: kautz@research.att.com
Temporal constraints
Qualitative Reasoning:
QSIM -- cs.utexas.edu:/pub/qsim
Contact: Ben Kuipers <kuipers@cs.utexas.edu>
Robotics (Planning Testbeds):
TILEWORLD -- cs.washington.edu:new-tileworld.tar.Z
Planning testbed
The ARS MAGNA abstract robot simular provides an abstract world in
which a planner controls a mobile robot. This abstract world is more
realistic than typical blocks worlds, in which micro-world simplifying
assumptions do not hold. Experiments may be controlled by varying
global world parameters, such as perceptual noise, as well as building
specific environments in order to exercise particular planner
features. The world is also extensible to allow new experimental
designs that were not thought of originally. The simulator also
includes a simple graphical user-interface which uses the CLX
interface to the X window system. ARS MAGNA can be obtained by
anonymous ftp from ftp.cs.yale.edu, as ars-magna.tar.Z in the pub/nisp
directory. Installation instructions are in the file
Installation.readme. The simulator is written in Nisp, a macro-package
for Common Lisp. Nisp can be retrieved in the same way as the
simulator. Version 1.0 of the ARS MAGNA simulator is documented in
Yale Technical Report YALEU/DCS/RR #928, "ARS MAGNA: The Abstract
Robot Simulator". This report is available in the distribution as a
PostScript file. Comments should be directed to Sean Philip
Engelson <engelson@cs.yale.edu>.
Theorem Proving/Automated Reasoning:
Otter -- info.mcs.anl.gov:pub/Otter/Otter-2.2/otter22.tar.Z
Isabelle -- ftp.cl.cam.ac.uk:ml/ []
Relevant files include:
intro.dvi.Z "Introduction to Isabelle"
ref.dvi.Z "The Isabelle Reference Manual"
logics.dvi.Z "Isabelle's Object-Logics"
92.tar.Z Isabelle-92 distribution directory
Contact: Larry.Paulson@cl.cam.ac.uk
MVL -- t.stanford.edu:/mvl/mvl.tar.Z
Contact: ginsberg@t.stanford.edu
Multi-valued logics
Boyer-Moore -- cli.com:pub/nqthm/nqthm.tar.Z
Contact: kaufman@cli.com
University of Toronto:
ftp -- ftp.cs.toronto.edu:/pub/ailist
Archives of ailist mailing list, defunct as of January 19, 1990
PAIL (Portable AI Lab)
ftp -- pobox.cscs.ch:/pub/ai/pail-2.1/ []
contact: Mike Rosner and Dean Allemang {dean,mike}@idsia.ch
The Artificial Intelligence CD-ROM (Volume One, 1992) is available
from Network Cybernetics Corporation for $129.00 per copy (plus $5
shipping domestic, $10 shipping international). (Network Cybernetics
Corporation is offering the disc to everyone in the Usenet and Fidonet
realm for a special, discounted price of $59.00 per disc. You must
have a valid Internet or Fidonet address and the order must be prepaid
to qualify. This special offer will be discontinued on January 1,
1993.) The AI CD-ROM is an ISO-9660 format disk usable on any
computer system, and contain a variety of public domain, shareware,
and other software of special interest to the AI community. The disk
contains source code, executable programs, demonstration versions of
commercial programs, tutorials and other files for a variety of
operating systems. Among the supported operating systems are MS-DOS,
OS/2, Mac, Amiga, and Unix. Among the items included are CLIPS v5.1
and NETS, courtesy of COSMIC, the collected source code from AIExpert
magazine from the premier issue in June of 1986 to the present, and
complete transcriptions of the first annual Loebner Prize competition,
which took place at the Boston Computer Museum. It also includes
examples many different kinds of neural networks, genetic algorithms,
artificial life simulators, natural language software, public domain
and shareware compilers for a wide range of languages such as Lisp,
Xlisp, Scheme, XScheme, Smalltalk, Prolog, ICON, SNOBOL, and many
others. Complete collections of the Neural Digest, Genetic Algorithms
Digest, and Vision List Digest are included. Network Cybernetics
Corporation intends to release annual revisions to the AI CD-ROM to
keep it up to date with current developments in the field. For more
information, write to Network Cybernetics Corporation, 4201 Wingren
Road, Suite 202, Irving, Texas 75062-2763, call 214-650-2002, fax
214-650-1929, or send email to ai-cdrom@ncc.com or
steve.rainwater@ncc.com (Steve Rainwater).
Subject: [3-3] AI Bibliographies available by FTP
The Computer Science Department at the University of Saarbruecken, Germany,
maintains a large bibliographic database of articles pertaining to the
field of Artificial Intelligence. Currently the database contains more
than 25,000 references, which can be retrieved by electronic mail from
the LIDO mailserver at lido@cs.uni-sb.de. Send a mail message with
subject line "lidosearch help info" to get instructions on using the
mail server. A variety of queries based on author names, title and
year of publication are possible. The references can be provided in
BibTeX or Refer formats. The entire bibliographic database can be
obtained for a fee by ftp or on tape. Questions may be directed to
A variety of AI-related bibliographies are located on nexus.yorku.ca
in the directory /pub/bibliographies.
For information on a fairly complete bibliography of computational
linguistics and natural language processing work from the 1980s, send
mail to clbib@csli.stanford.edu with the subject HELP.
Stanford University (SUMEX-AIM) has a large BibTeX bibliography of
Artificial Intelligence papers and technical reports. Available by
anonymous ftp from aim.stanford.edu:/pub/ai{1,2,3}.bib
A BibTeX database of references addressing neuro-fuzzy issues can be
obtained by anonymous ftp from ftp.tu-bs.de ( in the
directory local/papers as the (ascii) file fuzzy-nn.bib.
Subject: [3-4] Technical Reports available by FTP
This section lists the anonymous ftp sites for technical reports from
several universities and other organizations. Some of the sites
provide only an online catalog of technical reports, while the rest
make the actual reports available online. The email address listed is
that of the appropriate person to contact with questions about
ordering technical reports.
When ftping compressed .Z files, remember to set the transfer type to
binary first, using the command
ftp> binary
Another general location for technical reports from several
universities is available as wuarchive.wustl.edu:/doc/techreports/.
The newsgroup comp.doc.techreports is devoted to distributing lists of
tech reports and their abstracts.
MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory:
ftp -- ftp.ai.mit.edu:pub/publications/
email -- publications@ai.mit.edu
A full catalog of MIT AI Lab technical reports (and a listing of recent
updates) may be obtained from the above location, by writing to
Publications, Room NE43-818, M.I.T. Artificial Intelligence Laboratory,
545 Technology Square, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA, or by calling
1-617-253-6773. The catalog lists the technical reports ("AI Memos")
with a short abstract and their current prices. There is also a charge
for shipping.
The only technical report currently available online is Sandiway
Fong's 1991 PhD thesis, ``The Computational Properties of
Principle-Based Grammatical Theories,'' which may be found in the
directory pub/sandiway/.
CMU School of Computer Science:
ftp -- reports.adm.cs.cmu.edu
email -- Technical.Reports@cs.cmu.edu
CMU Software Engineering Institute:
ftp -- ftp.sei.cmu.edu:/pub/documents
email -- bjz@sei.cmu.edu
ftp -- dept.cs.yale.edu:/pub/TR/
University of Washington CSE Tech Reports:
ftp -- june.cs.washington.edu:/tr
email -- tr-request@cs.washington.edu
AT&T Bell Laboratories:
ftp -- research.att.com:/netlib/research/cstr
bib.Z contains short bibliography, including all the technical
reports contained in this directory.
ftp -- research.att.com:/dist/ai
Boston University:
ftp -- cs.bu.edu:techreports/
email -- techreports@cs.bu.edu
Brown University:
ftp -- wilma.cs.brown.edu:techreports/
email -- techreports@cs.brown.edu
Columbia University:
ftp -- cs.columbia.edu:/pub/reports
email -- tech-reports@cs.columbia.edu
DEC Cambridge Research Lab:
ftp -- crl.dec.com:/pub/DEC/CRL/{abstracts,tech-reports}
ftp -- duck.dfki.uni-sb.de:/pub/papers
email -- Martin Henz (henz@dfki.uni-sb.de)
Duke University:
ftp -- cs.duke.edu:/dist/{papers,theses}
email -- techreport@cs.duke.edu
A list of available reports can be sent via email. Send requests
for information about reports from the Center for Cognitive Science
to cogsci%ed.ac.uk@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk, and from the Human Communication
Research Center to HCRC%ed.ac.uk@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk.
Georgia Tech College of Computing, AI Group:
ftp -- ftp.cc.gatech.edu:pub/ai (
email -- Professor Ashwin Ram <ashwin@cc.gatech.edu>
email -- Erna Amerman <erna@uiuc.edu>
ftp -- cogsci.indiana.edu:pub []
ftp -- cs.indiana.edu:pub/techreports []
Institute for Learning Sciences at Northwestern University:
ftp -- ftp.ils.nwu.edu:/pub/papers/
New York University (NYU):
ftp -- cs.nyu.edu:/pub/tech-reports
ftp -- cse.ogi.edu:/pub/tech-reports
email -- csedept@cse.ogi.edu
Ohio State University, Laboratory for AI Research
ftp -- nervous.cis.ohio-state.edu:/pub/papers
email -- lair-librarian@cis.ohio-state.edu
OSU Neuroprose:
ftp -- archive.cis.ohio-state.edu:/pub/neuroprose (
This directory contains technical reports as a public service to the
connectionist and neural network scientific community which has an
organized mailing list (for info: connectionists-request@cs.cmu.edu)
ftp -- elib.stanford.edu:/cs
Very spotty collection.
SUNY at Stony Brook:
ftp -- sbcs.sunysb.edu:/pub/TechReports
email -- rick@cs.sunysb.edu or stark@cs.sunysb.edu
The /pub/sunysb directory contains the SB-Prolog implementation
of the Prolog language. Contact warren@sbcs.sunysb.edu for more
Thinking Machines:
ftp -- ftp.think.com:think/techreport.list
This file contains a list of Thinking Machines technical reports.
Orders may be placed by email (limit 5) to t-rex@think.com, or by US
Mail to Thinking Machines Corporation, Attn: Technical reports, 245
First Street, Cambridge, MA 01241. In addition, the directories
cm/starlisp and cm/starlogo contain code for the *Lisp and *Logo
University of Arizona:
ftp -- cs.arizona.edu:reports/
email -- tr_libr@cs.arizona.edu
The directory /japan/kahaner.reports contains reports on AI in
Japan, among other things.
University of California/Santa Cruz:
ftp -- ftp.cse.ucsc.edu:/pub/{bib,tr}
email -- jean@cs.ucsc.edu
University of Colorado:
ftp -- ftp.cs.colorado.edu:/pub/cs/techreports
University of Florida:
ftp -- bikini.cis.ufl.edu:/cis/tech-reports
University of Illinois at Urbana:
ftp -- a.cs.uiuc.edu:/pub/dcs
email -- erna@a.cs.uiuc.edu
University of Indiana, Center for Research on Concepts and Cognition:
ftp -- cogsci.indiana.edu:pub/
email -- helga@cogsci.indiana.edu
University of Kentucky:
ftp -- ftp.ms.uky.edu:ftp/pub/tech-reports/UK/cs/
University of Massachusetts at Amherst:
email -- techrept@cs.umass.edu
University of Michigan:
ftp -- z.eecs.umich.edu:/techreports
University of North Carolina:
ftp -- ftp.cs.unc.edu:/pub/technical-reports/
University of Pennsylvania:
email -- publications@upenn.edu
USC/Information Sciences Institute:
email -- Sheila Coyazo <scoyazo@isi.edu> is the contact.
University of Toronto:
ftp -- ftp.cs.toronto.edu:/pub/reports
email -- tech-reports@cs.toronto.edu
University of Virginia:
ftp -- uvacs.cs.virginia.edu:/pub/techreports/cs
University of Wisconsin:
ftp -- ftp.cs.wisc.edu:/tech-reports
email -- tech-reports-archive@cs.wisc.edu
Some AI authors have set up repositories of their own papers:
Matthew Ginsberg: t.stanford.edu:/u/ftp/papers
;;; *EOF*
Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu alt.games.gb:2350 news.answers:4069
Newsgroups: alt.games.gb,news.answers
Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!enterpoop.mit.edu!snorkelwacker.mit.edu!news.media.mit.edu!micro-heart-of-gold.mit.edu!wupost!cs.utexas.edu!sun-barr!ames!saimiri.primate.wisc.edu!usenet.coe.montana.edu!news.u.washington.edu!stein.u.washington.edu!ingram
From: ingram@milton.u.washington.edu (Doug Ingram)
Subject: Alt.games.gb (Galactic Bloodshed) FAQ [Part 1 of 2]
Message-ID: <1992Nov16.175020.9648@u.washington.edu>
Followup-To: alt.games.gb
Originator: ingram@stein.u.washington.edu
Lines: 1047
Sender: ingram@milton.u.washington.edu (Doug Ingram)
Organization: University of Washington, Seattle
Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1992 17:50:20 GMT
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
Archive-name: alt-games-gb/part1
Here's version 4.03 of the Galactic Bloodshed Frequently Asked
Questions list (for use with the alt.games.gb newsgroup). This is
part 1 (the first of two postings) of the FAQ.
FAQ 4.03
First posting: Part I -- Getting Started
Part II -- The Game Set-Up
Part III -- Playing the Game
Second posting: Advice from GB vets for novices on a
variety of questions.
Changes from last posting:
Part I -- Getting Started
1-0 What is GB?
"GB" stands for "Galactic Bloodshed." GB is a game played
on a network by several users at various sites. The home site, where
the game and its database reside, is generally referred to as the
"server." While telnet is one way to connect to a GB game, most if
not all players prefer to use a more complex program, usually called
a "client." Not all clients are the same, of course, but for now,
don't worry about it.
1-1 What is HAP?
"HAP" stands for "Heuristic Astronomy Project." HAP is a
close relative of GB, but there are many very important differences
between the two. Rather than go into the differences here, I suggest
you continue reading through this and then log in to one of the games
yourself. Ask around and experiment and decide for yourself what
you like best in a game. Both "flavors" of GB (original and extra
crispy, if you like) approach the game in a different way. For example,
in HAP games, communication among players who have not met is restricted
while on GB, global communication is the rule...thus for help, it
would be best to try a GB game first where players can hear you.
Of course, on the original HAP game, the deity and developer of
HAP, Clay Luther, is around most of the time, and there are no
restrictions on communicating with him in the game. As a general
rule, HAP tries to incorporate many of the best changes from new
versions of the original code while bowing more to "realism" where
1-2 Where can I get the client and/or server code?
Use anonymous ftp to reach one of these sites:
scam.berkeley.edu ( in /src/games/gb directory;
morticia.cnns.unt.edu ( in /pub/gb directory; (machine is in Australia) in /pub/dist/GB directory
Pretty much everything you'll find there is compressed and/or
sharred/tarred, so you'll need to know a little bit about
manipulating Unix files in order to set things up.
Here's a helpful example: Suppose you ftp gb.docs.tar.Z.
First: uncompress gb.docs.tar.Z (gives you gb.docs.tar)
Next: tar -xf gb.docs.tar (separates out all the files)
Then: delete the original tar file to save some space.
OR: If you ftp gb.docs.shar.Z
First: uncompress gb.docs.shar.Z (gives you gb.docs.shar)
Next: /bin/sh gb.docs.shar (separates the files)
Then: Delete the original shar file to save space.
Info on these processes can be found in your system's help files, but if
you continue to have problems, telnet to one of the running gb games
and ask around for help. This is usually the first best thing to try
when you have any problems. After all, the players have all had to go
through the same things you will in order to get set up in gb.
Once the files are in your directory in a conventional format,
there will be help files and so forth included. It's a good idea to
print the help docs out and have them handy when you play. When you've
successfully compiled the client, stripping the executable file will
reduce your client to a size of around 130 blocks If you've got a
strict quota on disk use, it's best to do most of this work in a
temporary directory, then print out the help files and transfer the
executable into your permanent directory.
Note that the client successfully compiles only on Unix
machines or a close derivative of Unix. At this time, no client
exists which is compatible with VMS. There is also a new version
of a PC based client for GB available at the moriticia ftp site,
written by Chris Fodor (aka Feepness). As it develops (ie. as soon
as Chris sends me a paragraph or two about it), I'll include more
information in the FAQ.
1-3 What if I have problems compiling something?
As mentioned earlier, the first thing you should always try
is to log in to one of the existing games as a guest and start asking
around. There will often be someone on who can help you with simple
problems, but if they can't help you, you'll probably be referred to
Evan Koffler (ekoffler@zephyr.cair.du.edu), who has graciously
volunteered to deal with _client_ compiling problems, but be polite...
give him informed questions rather than just helplessly whining. In other
words, don't just write and say "It doesn't compile on the NeXT and
crashes when I try to boot it." At the least, run the code through a
debugger of some kind to get a line number within a routine or at
least get some kind of output sequence. This gives the person helping
you some reference point from which to track the problem down.
If you're having a problem with a bug in the server code,
your best bet is to post to alt.games.gb. If the authors want to
volunteer their addresses (Garrett, Clay, et al.) and/or services
for direct email correspondence, I'll let them do it. There are
enough users out here familiar with the code (I'm NOT one of them)
to help you deal with whatever problem you're experiencing. What